Sunday, January 29, 2012

Abandoned Dreams

In an attempt to clean out abandoned drafts of blog posts I came across this gem ... the beginning of a post drafted over 2 years ago in November 2009:

One night, at the office until about 11PM all alone, trying to get billing in before the next day deadline, I hit shuffle on my iPod and tried to make the most of the tedious hours.

I found myself singing along to Survivor's Eye of the Tiger at the top of my lungs and with furvor. The next song came on, but my mind kept tracing the lyrics:

So many times, it happens too fast
You change your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

In the midst of the dregs of the job, I started to wonder what passions I had traded for glory or what dreams I had let slip by.

Ironic that I'm sitting here wondering if I'm not still in the same situation, just a different location.  At the time I was working for a respected entertainment lawyer who I love and adore.  I left just over a year ago in pursuit of finishing an unfinished degree while working in a bank on the other side of the country - a step seemingly miles away from where I want to be.

Tonight I was pondering life's next steps.  What happens in a year once I've finished school?  What have I been doing with my time to be closer to where I want to be?

I have to say, I acknowledge that my life has never gone according to plan.  Not according to my plan anyway.  While going through some papers at my parents house I found a life cycle chart that I believe I made in 4th grade.  (Because in 4th grade we obviously knew what the course of the rest of our life would be.)  According to the wheel I was to have graduated from medical school at 26, after which I was to promptly be married, and then I believe the rest of my life had to do with grandchildren, etc, finally ending with a very dramatic depiction of my death.

From time to time I do an internet search for this one boy I had a crush on in 6th grade.  He has been off the radar for quite some time now.  He moved to Florida after elementary school and we lost touch.  I'd often wondered if he would be what he had planned on being back then; a doctor.  Most of my friends have adapted their career paths to the ever changing industries and are nowhere near where they anticipated being --- in a good way.  Somehow though, I suspected that he would accomplish exactly what he had planned to do.

Turns out I was right.

Having completed his residency, he is now a practicing orthopedic surgeon in Florida.  I admire that.  I admire those who knew so young what they were going to do.  I think in many ways I know what I do want to be in the end.  The timing just hasn't been right.  I spend my time maintaining talents that have yet to find their ultimate purpose.  I often view my career choices as placeholders for that ultimate goal, and think that is likely the reason for my unrest.

Do I wish that I had stuck with it and gone to medical school.  Sure.  However, I can't imagine giving up the life that I have had.  I've met incredible people, I've made amazing friends, I've seen brilliant parts of this world.  And none of it would have happened had I stuck to that life cycle chart.

Maybe I'm not the type to have fixed dreams.  Maybe the beauty of my life is to live the unexpected; to experience more than I had imagined for myself, even if that means wandering in unforeseen territory at times.

I haven't a clue what is around the next corner.  I know that I would like to be on a coast, that I would like to not be tied to a desk, and that I want what I do to have far reaching ripple effects.  I know that where I stand, I could do any number of things. There is no set path.  My possibilities are endless.

I could cook
I could have my own tv show
I could write
I could be a photographer
I could travel and write travel guides
I could go to medical school
I could go to law school
I could plan parties
I could become an archivist
I could be a film editor
I could teach dance

But choosing any one would all result in abandoned dreams.  They would all be placeholders for the one job that matters most; the one job that would combine everything and leave no dream abandoned.  All I've ever truly wanted to be is an incredible wife and mother.   It's funny, there has never been a job that I have interviewed for that I haven't gotten, except for the one that I want most of all.

Have I abandoned that dream?  Absolutely not.

I often think if we abandon dreams that we lacked the conviction for them in the first place.  That they belonged to someone else.  But this one, I know belongs to me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Far From Home

I often speak of wanting to live in a foreign country, a view I did not share until I had actually left the country for the first time in 2010.  Whether it was simply falling in love with Japan or the idea that so many different places could offer me experiences that would no doubt stretch me and help me to become more than what I had planned for myself, I haven't been able to stop envisioning my life overseas.

Since then I've traveled quite a bit, and am convinced more and more that I would grow a lot by living in a foreign country.  I can't wait to finish this pesky degree so that I can get over there.  Regular visits back for much needed haircuts (a girl can't give up her hairstylist) and family visits have been factored in.  Living in the West when most of my family is in the East, sometimes feels like a foreign country. Particularly when tragedy strikes.  

Early in December my sister in law was in a horrible accident after hitting black ice on her way to work, which has left her paralyzed from the chest down.  It was hard to hear that.  She's a good person.  Fortunately she is in good hands and is being cared for by the same neurology team who took care of Christopher Reeves.

A week after her accident, the family received some good news.  The appeal on the case against the attackers who macheted their way into the home of her sister and brother in law,  my brother's mission companion, was denied.

Last night, however, her father, who in the face of her accident was keeping a stiff upper lip and pushing through, suffered a sever accident of his own.  He has lost a hand, punctured his spleen, and cracked a few ribs.  He's been revived several times and we're hoping the news of his accident does not derail MonaRae's recovery.

My heart goes out to my nephew, David.  Who, being a dutiful son and grandson is splitting his time between bedsides.  He's exhausted, but he's pushing along.  

It is hard to not have the ability to be home to step in, to sit and wait and watch with the rest of them.  I used to think about the value of those who were always in the same place, who could be relied on all the time to be there.  The rocks of a community; and how it would be nice to someday be that person for someone else.  That sometimes those growing experiences are right in our own circles.

I suppose there are always going to be drawbacks, and given our family is spread out, it is not likely I'd be able to be there for everyone all the time.  I guess that's why we have airplanes, phones, emails, and all those other millions of ways we can say "I love you".  I do wish however, I was there.  

Here's hoping a miraculous recovery for all.  



Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 - Friends, Family & Gold Medallion

At the end of this year, I am grateful for a loving family, a warm home , good friends, and my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It has helped me through some of the ups and downs of this year. The end of last year involved a move from New York City to Salt Lake City. A complete change. In many ways I’m still adjusting to that. Fortunately, I have had experiences that have kept me going.

I learned how to snowboard for the first time in my life! The first day was rough – especially for my friends! I think it took several hours for me to get halfway down the first run. Then suddenly, on the second half, I just stood up and voila, I was snowboarding!

The second day was a million times better and very optimistic friends convinced me to try a blue run … I was so exhausted by the end, but what a great experience! I haven’t had that much fun since I was last competing in ballroom.

In February, I fell in love with Edward … my silver 2008 Volvo S40. I’d been attempting to get around town on public transportation … it really isn’t feasible out here. To think that I was able to get around for 4 years in NYC without a car is pretty impressive. You may laugh, but it has been rough remembering to watch my gas gage and remembering regular maintenance after so many years of not having to think of that. Edward and I are still on good terms and I can’t wait for our first anniversary.

In March I had the privilege of getting together with family to witness and celebrate the wedding of my cousin. It had been a long time since I’d seen most of my cousins on that side, and I loved being able to be in Vegas for that occasion. It has been wonderful feeling closer to them as we’ve made an effort to see each other through the year.

In late June, after a brief visit to Amsterdam, I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the Tanners in London. They are always so welcoming and I do truly feel like I have a second family in them. We took in as much as our feet would allow. We attended Wimbeldon, the Royal Regatta at Henley on Thames, had a private tour of Parliament, sat in the House of Commons, and ate the most amazing gelato at Harrods.

It was so much fun to stop by the Apple Corps office and finally meet everyone on the Beatles team that I’d worked with for so long in name only. We truly had a wonderful time.

After about a week in London, I took a plane over to Germany to visit Alan, who had recently moved over there with his job. What a beautiful place. I had so much fun photographing the town, the pedestrian areas, and the amazing cathedrals. More amazing gelato, but nothing quite like the Harrod’s £5/scoop experience.

The Italian influence in so much of that area has placed Italy higher on my list of places to visit. I left Germany on July 4th, ceremoniously declared my independence in London, and landed in NYC just in time to see the Macy’s firework display welcoming me back home. It was an incredible experience that made me remember just how much I love the US.

In August I made it back east for my aunt's 90th birthday party, a haircut, and oral surgery.

My trips home to get my haircut have been my favorite indulgence. Joey is the best. Hands down; The Best. I love that I can just sit and let him work his magic and never once do I think … oooh I wish he hadn’t done this or that. But more than that, I know that when I show up, I’m coming home to a friend as well.

Oral surgery. I went to see the dentist who has been taking care of my mouth since I was 3 years old. He and his wife haven’t changed at all over the years. They are just as kind and wonderful and always bring with them the shared memories of our families. The prognosis … a molar that was too cracked to sustain repair. Within 2 hours of leaving his office I was driving to the oral surgeon.

In late August, I made a concerted effort to try to have more UT centered experiences. I decided to see what all the fuss about the mountains was and began going on hikes every nice day to a new trail. I now understand when people say they miss the mountains. You can read about some of my adventures at

In September I entered some photographs into the State Fair, and was pleasantly surprised with some of the comments and the ratings. I made it a goal to finally make the leap and buy my camera.

At the end of September, one of the friends who taught me to snowboard earlier in the year, called and said he had planned a trip to Australia and New Zealand and had found himself without anyone to travel with. I had been planning a trip to New Mexico to visit the cliff dwellings and witness the balloon festival there, when suddenly those plans fell apart. I had never considered going to Australia.

I envisioned open, dry land with people in funny hats riding around in utility vehicles, saying g’day a lot. Whether it was the disappointment of my own trip falling apart or the great job he does at convincing someone to go, I said yes. Within 12 days I was on a plane.

It was the most amazing 2.5 weeks I’ve ever spent. I can’t believe my first scuba diving and snorkeling experience was along the Great Barrier Reef! We pet kangaroos and watched whales. The testimonies of his friends/second family/investigators/converts were inspiring and I hope to return or at least have them visit with me here in the States.

I’ve been studying, trying to push through my classes. I thought it would be easier than it is. I find working, trying to rebuild a social life, getting settled, and studying on top of it all, a lot to handle. I have no idea how I ever did it the first time around!

Loved my trip to Chicago for Mom’s birthday and the time spend time with her and my sisters … it was hard to leave, but leaving was the only way to fly my 50,000th mile of 2011!!! Hello, Gold Medallion status :)

I’ve been blessed through the entire year to have such great support by my family and my NYC friends as well as those new friends I’ve made here. At the mercy of my Heavenly Father, it has been a good year with many amazing, never to have again, experiences with dear family and friends.